
Support us through Donations

Become a Monthly Supporter

We are recruiting monthly supporters who can provide ongoing support for our activities.
Note: Donations are eligible for tax benefits. For more information, please click here.

What Your Donation Achieves

  • 3,000円/月のご支援を1年続けていただくと…

    A donation of 3,000 JPY
    per month:

    It allows us to do two free psychological counseling in Brazil in a month.

  • 5,000円/月のご支援を1年続けていただくと…

    A donation of 5,000 JPY
    per month:

    It allows us to do two free Consultation or do one ECG in Brazil in a month.

  • 50,000円/月のご支援を1年続けていただくと…

    A donation of 50,000 JPY
    per month:

    It allows us to do 20 free Consultation or do 5 free Ultrasounds in Brazil in a month.

Donate through automatic
credit card deductions
Apply Here

Once off donation

Donations can be made for any time and for any amount.

Payments can be made by
credit card or bank transfer.
Apply Here

Donations to BRIDGE are eligible for tax benefits

BRIDGE is an approved specified non-profit organization, as designated by Kochi Prefectural Government. Donations to BRIDGE can be used to receive tax benefits on your tax return. Residents of Kochi Prefecture are eligible for a deduction of up to half of their personal inhabitant taxes.

Donation Amounts Deductible from Taxes

If you donate 10,000 JPY/year

(10,000 JPY - 2,000 JPY) X national tax0.4 = 3,200 JPY


(10,000 JPY - 2,000 JPY) X national tax0.1 = 800 JPY

If you donate 50,000 JPY/year

(50,000 JPY - 2,000 JPY) X national tax0.4 = 19,200 JPY


(50,000 JPY - 2,000 JPY)) X national tax0.1 = 4,800 JPY



Apply as part of your tax return to receive up to half the amount of your donated amount back.